It seems to be a family tradition in the making. An event that our daughter looks forward to every time the Autumn leaves begin to fall from the trees. As soon as our yard becomes covered in leaves, we rake them all into one giant pile to be used for play. This is our daughter Ava Jane, as she played in the leaves this past Fall. I made her a deal that I would do most of the raking, if she would let me snap some photos while she was at play. I took both, candid shots and a few wonderful portraits. This candid shot however, was my favorite of them all because I was able to capture many of her wonderful attributes. Her wonderful laugh and beautiful smile shows just how wild and free spirited she truly is. She is my heart and soul. She is my everything. She is my Ava Jane.
This is a wonderful shot. Autumn is such a happy season for me - and it looks like it may be for your daugther as well. Not surprised that this is your favorite photo of the set. I am quickly learning that many times candid shots make better portraits than the "staged/posed" portrait shots do. I think it all has to do with the person's personality coming through in candid shots. Great work Sean!